Autonomy Cube – Travor Paglen and Jacob Appelbaum

IMG_20151021_183546A few weeks ago a friend of my sent me this link for an event with Jacob Appelbaum (who I’ve already featured here) and Trevor Paglen. Yesterday, they both held a talk about their art project Autonomy Cube at the Edith-Russ-Haus in Oldenburg, just an hour away from my home.

Photo by Trevor Paglen
Photo by Trevor Paglen

After seeing their Chaos Communication Congress talks it was an obvious “hell yes” for me, so yesterday a colleague and I took the drive over there.

Quite a good and insightful talk about the state of the internet (take away: “the network is hostile”), the purpose of their art and how to protect anonymity.

IMG_20151021_194258The Autonomy Cube is basically a small computer in a cube made from acrylic glass. It’s connected to the fiber network of the museum and acts as a TOR-enabled WiFi-hotspot.

By connecting to the WiFi, you surf completely anonymous and also help protecting the identity of all other users of the TOR-network.

Sadly, the exhibition only starts today and it wasn’t possible to see it live yesterday. I guess I’ll have to take another tour.

Please excuse the rather bad quality of my pictures made with a potato.

Escaping Sloth

eagleslothSome time ago, a friend of mine decided that he didn’t find his job exceedingly attractive anymore. So he decided to quit and do something more of his liking: travelling.

Since a few weeks, Arne has been travelling around Greece and Turkey and started to write about it.

I can’t recommend his blog enough to anyone who

  • is fond of written words
  • likes cat pictures

So, head over there and start reading!